The MIT Quantitative Research in Linguistics Group is investigating cognitive constraints on possible meanings in natural language. How does the way we conceive of the world influence the meanings encoded in the words and utterances of human language? We require dedicated students to help design, run and analyze experiments as well as implement statistical models capable of predicting human behavior. The successful applicant will receive extensive training in truth-conditional semantics, logic, probability theory and psycholinguistic experimentation utilizing artificial word learning and truth-judgment paradigms.
Prerequisites: All necessary training is provided. Applicants that have one or more of the following qualifications will be given priority: Programming skills (especially MATLAB, HTML and/or Python), classes in Linguistics, Brain and Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Mathematics or Computer Science, or a desire to pursue a career in academia. Contact us to apply.
Prerequisites: All necessary training is provided. Applicants that have one or more of the following qualifications will be given priority: Programming skills (especially MATLAB, HTML and/or Python), classes in Linguistics, Brain and Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Mathematics or Computer Science, or a desire to pursue a career in academia. Contact us to apply.